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Slight Progression in Texas Rangers Spirit Day Post

Writer: Alex PlinckAlex Plinck

At this time last year, many people, including myself, pegged the Rangers for turning Spirit Day into an everybody day. The message itself was acceptable and posted on the other 364 days I’d fist pump. But it missed the mark on what Spirit Day is about. One year later, it’s a similar structure but more detailed and, in my opinion, a step up in the right direction.

Yes, I know The Rangers did not include the group “LGBTQ+” in the message; I get that. However, expanding from a generic anti-bullying message to include some specifics in the LGBTQ+ community is significant. I may be wrong on this (and you guys can correct me), but it’s one of the first times I saw a Texas Rangers post associated with sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s something you don’t expect from the lone organization without hosting a Pride night. Earlier this year, the Rangers were vast sponsors of the Gay Softball World Series in Dallas in late August. Growth is slowly moving positively, which is a good sign. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I feel like I need to address this; similar to last year, people are bullied because of their race, background, religion, etc. But, again, the message overall is better (from all aspects). I sincerely hope anyone reading this takes that to heart. I want to make this clear too. As an out gay man myself (and there are a bunch of players, coaches, team members, and front office that know), I have never felt mistreated or treated differently because of who I am.

Does this completely get them off the hook? No. But, I will say, I’ve moved past disappointed and mad to slight peeve. The Rangers are making progress and are climbing the hill. They haven’t reached the top of the mountain, but they haven’t fallen, and I think giving them half-credit is reasonable. At the end of the day, it’s a step up rather than a step-down. I understand where you're coming from if you’re upset because of the rhetoric. But for me, I was pleasantly surprised seeing this. As every mini-milestone hit, you hope it’s a stepping stone for something bigger. My fingers are crossed.

Please go to GLAAD’s site if you want to take a pledge to stop LGBTQ+ Youth bullying. Let's all continue to be the best people we can be and make the world a great place for any youth.

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